Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Blessing of Confession > Page 2


No More Fussing Over Dung

The Blessing of Confession

Page 2

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Craig Brian Larson, commenting on the above story, relates it to our propensity of feel spiritually superior to others:

Our dung is better than their dung. That's a claim that resembles the pride of the self-righteous person. I am more righteous than they are.

*Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching - From Leadership Journal.

Our Scripture today ends with Jesus saying to us: "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” He is referring to a spiritual principle, one that we cannot deny and get away with it.

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The early desert monk Abba Poemen was asked, "What is integrity?" The Abba replied, "Always to accuse [oneself]."

Does this mean a sordid kind of self-pity, a wallowing in guilt, a refusal of the healing of grace? No. Comments Kathleen Norris, in Acedia & Me, on this healthy self-consciousness among the dearly desert Fathers and Mothers:

It is important to recognize that he [Poemen] and other monks were suggesting that people become not doormats wallowing in self-abnegation, but individuals with a realistic perception of their place in the world. These monks were also well aware that in order to give up the instinctive impulse toward self-justification, a person needed a healthy self-regard in the first place.

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So, to be realistic about our sin - Dare I use that word? - is to show a realistic and healthy view of oneself. Indeed, the act of confession is the act to liberate ourselves. While the act of dogged self-justification is prideful, and this proves nothing and keeps us debased. Yet, the person who can say, "I was wrong," in that very act of the power of words engages in freedom, in exaltation by Grace.

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One thing notable about our need for confession, is that each has erred in his or her own way. We each, being distinct persons, have distinctly sinned, within the context of the gifts and opportunities Grace has given us. Therefore, our confession is specific to us each.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Blessing of Confession > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024